Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Not Everyone Likes Getting a Good Tip

I’m tired of chewing….I want to sleep.  The moon is high and almost full, but a platoon of clouds keeps the night more dim than bright.  The chill in the air is a welcome escape from the day’s heat.  A symphony of nighttime sounds from thousands of critters I have never seen are another reminder that it is time to sleep.  I close my eyes and wait for a new sun.   I hope I’m not last to the hay tomorrow.
It’s quiet….a lovely quiet. 
What was that?  A noise?  Now?  At night?  What is that commotion I hear over by Jackie?  I hear a loud thud.  Why is she yelling?  None of us yell at night…more yelling.  She sounds so scared!  I’m scared!  What is happening?  I can’t quite see, but it looks like she is on the ground.  Why would she be laying on the ground?  Did she fall?  We never fall.  I think I hear humans.  Oh thank goodness….humans are good.  They must be here to help Jackie.  Wait, why are they laughing?  I don’t understand!  Why are they laughing when Jackie needs help?
Jackie is my friend and we always sleep close to each other.  She never pushes me or cuts in front of me when we are moving as a group.
Now some of the others are yelling.  I hear something else.  It sounds like something running from the other direction.  It’s close and getting closer fast!  I turn to see where the sound is coming from.  Ah!  It’s another human and she’s running right at me!  She has a crazed look in her face!  Stop!  Stop!  I try to run, but it’s too late.  OUCH!  AAAHHH!  I’M FALLING!  WHAT IS HAPPENING?  I hit the ground hard.  I have never felt this kind of pain before.  I yell as loud as I can.  Why are they doing this to us?
I’m on the ground and too scared to get up.  The human is laughing and pointing at me.  Everyone is yelling now.  Am I going to die?  I thought humans were good, but these must hate us.  Did I do something wrong and they are punishing me?  I just want this nightmare to end. 
Why couldn’t I have been born a pig?
What you have just read is a dramatization.  It’s not real, but the trauma experienced is.  This is the horror that countless cows face every single night.  Cow Tipping; it’s not a game.  It’s real and it hurts.  No one speaks for the cows….until now.  Join my organization, “End Cow Tipping Now”.  If we work together I believe we can end cow tipping abuse in our lifetime.  I know it sounds crazy, but I envision a day when every cow can live a full and peaceful life until the day of their slaughter.  It’s the way it should be and I for one intend to see that vision fulfilled.  Join me in this noble fight to protect those that cannot protect themselves.  Join or donate today at www.endcowtippingnow.org.  Becoming a member is free, the donation is not.  If like me you are former cow tipping abuser, then tell us your story.  Have the courage to make a difference.  “I just want this nightmare to end.”  Together we can end her nightmare.

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